
After working at my job for 5 1/2 years, today is my last day! After today I will officially have my Saturdays back to myself to do whatever I please! I cannot wait! It is bittersweet leaving a place you have been this long, one you have been so comfortable at, but there is never growth if you stay in the same place! You have to move on from things in order to open new chapters of your life and move on to bigger and better things. Don’t ever be afraid to make certain moves in your life it it means it will help you continue to grow. I am so excited for the year ahead! 🙂


Changes are Coming [Also, Ways to Make it on A Little Less Income]

So, after over 5 years at the real estate office, I am putting in my 2 weeks today. My manager should be coming in sometime today and I’m a little nervous but so excited to finally move on from this place. They literally just signed off on a tiny raise for me (after 5 years) and I feel like it might be a slap in the face to them but that’s how I’ve felt for awhile so I guess it’s called karma? I have continuously thought about leaving here for well over a year and have not had the courage to do so for money reasons and comfort reasons. I slowly cut my hours as time went by, now I’m only working Saturdays because I work at the website during the week. I have been dying to have my Saturdays and weekends back to myself instead of giving my time to a place that has yes taught me responsibility, but has also taken a lot out of me. Many rude encounters and phone calls, many times biting my tongue to please people and customers. I’m happy that at the website I don’t have to answer phone calls, I write and keep to myself! Coming here on Saturdays to answer the phone to sometimes extremely rude people, really makes you start to lose it after awhile. I hope that after today, I no longer feel stuck here. I was staying because of money reasons but have realized that my happiness is more important. (And I won’t be missing out on THAT much money, honestly.)

I have written a couple of different blog posts regarding making the right decisions to make yourself happy, even if you’re afraid to do so. Like I said in those other posts, it’s fear of the unknown and fear of making such a big change. Change is good though and is a positive thing. And if you’re at a job that you’re starting not to enjoy as much anymore and it isn’t your career… then nothing is stopping you! Even if it is your career, it’s never too late to make a change. Think about it, your happiness is at stake here! Our time on this Earth is too short to let jobs consume you. I’ve come to a point in my life where I’m ready to move on and continue with the website where I’m content doing things that are useful for my career path. Too many of us feel stuck and never make a move to change things for the better, I don’t want to fall under that category. I’m done just talking about it, now today I’m going to be about it. As a young girl starting to work here, I had to learn about kissing ass and keeping your mouth shut regarding confrontation with agents or people over the phone. Don’t get me wrong, I have been rude right back plenty of times because you know what? If you’re rude to me, I’m being rude back. I let some things slide because I don’t need strangers ruining my day but some people go way too hard to be rude, and those are the ones I let loose on. THE CUSTOMER ISN’T ALWAYS RIGHT! I don’t care how many companies use this ridiculous saying because honestly, those who are high up and telling you this – are probably annoyed they have to be nice to rude people as well! It’s all about the business baby. But, after awhile, kissing ass gets tiring. And I’m tired.

So the point of this post is – MAKE MOVES! MAKE CHANGES! A month from now you will be glad you did it and it will make it easier for you to get what you want in the future.


Ways to make it on a little less income:

1. Spend less! Start bringing lunch with you to work instead of buying each day. I have been doing this, sometimes buying once a week to treat myself. It really pays off in the end.


2. Be smart when it comes to going out and spending. If you want to get together with friends, pick a night when there’s good deals going on. I did this the other night and only spent $15 (with tip!) for 3 Blue Moons and quesadillas! The friend I was with only spent $8! It’s possible to eat and drink cheap if you find the right place with the right deals.


3. Coupons. I am just starting to do this because I’ve realized that it can help a lot. This isn’t only for married people either! Young people in their 20’s should most definitely do this because a lot of us have financial struggles trying to get to where we’re going. Start buying what is on sale and what you have a coupon for. Even if it’s only a couple cents, it stills helps.


4. Groupon or similar websites. I’ve had a Groupon account for a long time now and really haven’t used it much. Now that I plan on only working one job, I have been searching on here a lot. It gives you great deals for a variety of different things, even weekend getaways!


5. Cut down on the non-necessity things. For example, getting your hair done or your nails done. Stretch it for as long as you can with the hair, I understand it’s hard to keep up with but if you need it done that badly, do it yourself at home until you have the money to get it professionally done. When it comes to nails, I have acrylic and it can get expensive but I try to get the permanent french which can last a whole month. It takes a bit longer but it’s worth it to not have to go every two weeks. (I haven’t gone every two weeks in probably two years, it’s a waste of money.) Pedicures – it’s winter now so you can do them yourself.


6. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I’VE DONE – Not buying a new car just because I was sick of mine. I have a 2006 Hyundai Elantra, it’s not the ideal looking car but I’m almost done paying it off so it was stupid of me to want a brand new car just to have another payment. Only get a new car if you have no other choice, it doesn’t matter what others think. What matters is you not breaking the bank just to drive around in a luxurious car that you’re just going to get sick of again. Don’t get me wrong, I almost bought a new one because I was bored with mine until my mom talked me out of it. And now, I am so thankful I listened to her! I would much rather put my money aside for better things like traveling! If you NEED a new car, buy it at the right time when they have major sales going on. Ex: Labor Day weekend!


7. Wait for the right time to splurge. I recently bought a lap top in October from Walmart for just $300. Electronics are cheaper in October, up to 40% off! If you’re looking to get something, wait it out if you can so you can get a cheaper price. Take advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday as well. (If you’re the type of person who can do Black Friday, I’ve done it twice and am surprised that I even could deal!) Some things aren’t worth getting on Black Friday but large items like TV’s, iPads/tablets and other electronics are a good idea.


8. PINTEREST! I am obsessed with this site. They have so many DIY ideas that can save you a lot of money. Ideas from decorating a new home to DIY home cleaning products that cost a lot less than buying the name brand stuff.


Good luck with your future changes and hope these money saving tricks can come in handy! 🙂

Tips to Make A Day at the Office go Faster


Office jobs can be busy at times but can also make the day drag when there’s not much to do. I’ve worked in an office setting for over five years, at three different places. One is a real estate office, the other a tent company and the job I am at now, They all have had their fair share of boring and busy days so here are a few things I do to keep busy:

1. Listen to music. It effects your mood and helps you focus on something other than the clock.


2. Get up and stretch. If you’re anything like me, your neck and shoulders KILL after a full day of sitting at the computer. Try to get up as often as you can to stretch or even do some stretches while sitting down.


3. Snack on healthy foods. People tend to eat when they’re bored or if they’re sitting in front of the tv. This goes for those sitting at a computer too. Snacking will help time go by just like it does at home. Try to snack every 3 hours (on healthy foods!) My favorites are grapes, clementines or baby carrots with ranch dressing.


4. Try to get fresh air on your break, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes. If it’s a nice day it can positively effect your mood and wake you up a bit if you’re feeling sluggish. The cold weather isn’t as nice but it also helps wakes you up and revives you to finish the rest of your day.


5. If you have a ton of down time and your boss is alright with it… get some personal stuff done. Whether it’s putting together your grocery list or looking up flights for your next trip. It’s sometimes hard to get everything done in one day so down time at work can be the perfect time for this.


6. Last one is the most important. Keep a positive attitude. If you’re in a bad mood and hanging on every negative thought, your day is going to go slower. I’ve come to realize this… when I dwell on the day going slow, it does go slow. If I start out the day saying that it won’t be that bad, it goes a little bit faster.


Have a good rest of the day Word Press. I now have less than an hour left of work. 😉

You Call That a Raise?!?

Large company’s don’t seem to care about the “little people.”  What they fail to realize is that the “little people” keep their company afloat!  Leave it to my company to still make you feel jipped even after they give you what they call a “raise.”  Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to receive one AFTER 5 YEARS, but my company should be embarrassed.   Ahhh, corporate life.

Now, here’s some work humor to end my rant… this one especially goes to those who answer phones all day!
